Sources of Fluoride Poisoning (Fluorosis)


  • Toxic quantities of fluorides occur naturally in some feed products like raw rock phosphates, superphosphates produced from them, partially defluorinated phosphates and the phosphatic limestones.
  • In certain areas the drinking water usually from deep wells contains high levels of fluorides.
  • Factory contamination also adds to increased fluorides in water. Sodium fluoride is more toxic than calcium fluoride.

Properties of toxicological importance

  • Chronic toxicity is seen in herbivores especially in dairy cows.
  • Acute toxicity is rare.
  • Level of fluoride, duration of exposure, solubility of the ingested fluorides, age and nutritional status of the animal alter the levels of toxicity.
  • When solubility is higher, the toxicity is also higher.
Last modified: Saturday, 10 December 2011, 12:15 PM