Clinical Symptoms and Treatment


Clinical symptoms

  • In acute cases the symptoms include excitement, clonic convulsions, bladder and bowel incontinence, stiffness and weakness, weight loss, decreased milk production, excessive salivation, nausea and vomiting, cardiac failure and death.
  • In chronic cases the symptoms include mottled and pitted enamel, unevenly worn teeth, apendicular lameness, unnatural posture, generalised stiffness, cachexia, poor performance and dull hair coat. Lapping of water indicates dental pain.
  • Exostosis of long bone extremities which are painful.


  • The teeth of affected animals will have periodic radiolucent areas.
  • The affected bones will be enlarged and chalky white in colour with no lustre. the periosteal surface will be rough.
  • Bone marrow cavity is diminished and shows gelatinous degeneration and aplastic anaemia.


  • Treatment includes administration of aluminium sulphate, aluminium chloride, calcium aluminate, calcium carbonate and defluorinated phosphates.
Last modified: Saturday, 10 December 2011, 12:29 PM