

  • A variety of organic and inorganic buffers have been used for deep freezing of semen.
  • But an ideal buffer should prolong the life if spermatozoa at room temperature penetrate cells and acts intracellular buffer, less toxic in the critical temperature during freezing and better clarity under microscope.
  • The most commonly used diluent in most of the laboratories for deep freezing of semen is the inorganic buffer called Tris buffer.

Tris is commonly called as universal diluents which prolongs the life of sperm at room temperature, penetrate sperm and acts as intra cellular buffer, less toxic at the critical low freezing temperature.

Preparation of buffer

  • Weigh the required chemicals accurately in an analytical balance.
  • Mix the chemicals in double distilled water thoroughly in a conical flask.
  • Adjust the pH of buffer to 6.5 – 7.0
  • Boil the contents for few minutes in a water bath.
  • Cool and add antibiotics.
  • Store the buffer in a refrigerator


Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:14 AM