of Cooling

Unit 3 - Unit operations in canning of Cooling

Cooling inside the retort (retort capacity gets reduced)
Cooling inside the retort requires water for cooling after closure of steam valve. The water valve is opened and it sprayed on to the cans to cool them. Air cooling inside the retort is not possible. Care should be taken to avoid physical damages due pressure of water inside.

Cooling outside
Cooling the cans outside the retort is a slow process. Cooling in water tanks is a good method and widely adopted. Cans may also be rolled down in a canal to cool. Addition of ice increases the efficiency of cooling but the cost is more. In tank method of cooling, care has to be taken to see that the temperature of water does not increase and also cleanliness, hygiene and sanitary conditions are maintained.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 9:13 AM