Herbaceous perennials
Lesson 04:Landscape Plants
Herbaceous perennials
Cut Blooms
- These are delightful group of plants.
- They provide a wide range of graceful ornamentals, with a handsome growth habit and attractive flower colours.
- They are ideal for borders, along the fence or hedge and up to the driveway.
As Hedges
- They are among the easiest plants to be grown in garden beds or pots.
- Cut blooms are excellent and add great charm and delicacy to the indoor.
- These have a soft growth rather than a woody growth and possess a perennial or long-lived root stock.
- These are sum-loving plants
- An open, unshaded position is required for a large section of the best plants.
- Sheltered places near a wall, a fence or a hedge or shrubbery are good where hot and cold winds seep the garden.
- These plants require a moderately light, well-drained rich soil.
- They do not prefer acid soil



Last modified: Friday, 9 December 2011, 10:31 AM