Flower beds


Lesson 10:Garden Features

Flower beds

  • The flower beds display the flowers in the best way possible. It may be borne in mind that flowers look best when massed in a bed.
  • The flower beds have special importance under conditions of the plains of India since they can be kept throughout the year.

  • The flower beds can be planted with winter flowering annuals sown during September-October or summer flowering ones sown during February-March and rainy season flowers sown during April-June
  • Flower beds should be simple in design as circles, rectangles, and squares which are easier to maintain.
  • Kidney shaped beds in the midst of a lawn also look very attractive.
  • Various other abstract designs can also be made.
  • Flower beds are the most important part of formal garden and these are marked out most ornamentally in pairs.
  • In a landscape style garden the number of flower beds are less compared to a formal garden, as the flowers are mostly grown in the borders or in front shrubbery.
  • The beds should always be placed in full sun except when these are meant for growing shade-loving plants.
  • Rectangular beds are best placed near the building to harmonize with the straight lines of the house.
  • A rectangular bed on the lawn is laid with its longer sides run parallel to the adjoining straight path or the edge of the lawn.
  • Flower beds in the lawn are separated by 15-60 cm grass verges or paths to run a lawn mower.
Last modified: Monday, 12 December 2011, 9:12 AM