Overhead Clear

Unit - 5 Overhead Clear
It is not easy to play a backhand overhead clear. Even experienced players have problem with this badminton stroke. You shall always try to play an 'around the head' forehand clear whenever possible.

However, it is important that you know how to play the backhand overhead clear. There are times when you just can't play the shuttle with your forehand.

Here are some pointers for playing a backhand overhead clear.
  • Adopt the backhand grip.
  • Turn your body so that your back is facing the net.
  • Lead and shift your weight to your racket foot.
  • Lift your arm from the shoulder with the forearm parallel to the floor.
  • Hold the racket across your body with the racket head pointing down.
  • Keep the racket arm and elbow close into your body.
  • Hit the shuttle at a high point of contact.
  • Flick your wrist powerfully towards the shuttle.
  • A follow through is not needed.
  • Push your body back to your base position.
Last modified: Saturday, 2 July 2011, 5:45 AM