immunobinding assay immunobinding assay

  • In the dot immunobinding assay the antigen is attached to nitrocellulose paper in a series of dots and is for screening on a limited budget.
  • It is claimed to be equally sensitive to, or more sensitive than, ELISA assays.
  • It is similar in principle to the ELISA, except in the use of nitrocellulose paper.

The original method involved the application of dots of the antigen to nitrocellulose sheets followed by cutting up of the sheets so that square pieces of paper containing the dot were put in to microtitre wells for incubation with the antibodies.

A variation of this involved the inversion of the microtitre plates containing the antibodies over the sheets with the matrix of dotted antigen with the tight seal for the antibody -antigen incubation.

The dot-ELISA is a sensitive assay for detecting or quantifying antigen or antibody. Further, it needs less expensive equipment, is time-saving and also provides a permanent record of the assay (Pappas, 1988).

Last modified: Thursday, 28 June 2012, 11:49 AM