Electrophoresis Electrophoresis

There are two types of electrophoresis, Protein or allozyme electrophoresis and DNA electrophoresis.

Protein or allozyme electrophoresis provides an indirect assessment of nuclear DNA (nDNA) variability. Population structure can be analysed by these techniques. The use of allozyme electrophoresis for describing population structure is probably at its most advanced stage in the commercial anadromous salmonid fishes. Hatchery stocks of Atlantic Salmon, have been reported as having up to 20-30% less heterozygosity than natural populations

PCR and recombinant DNA techniques create large amounts of DNA segments. To study the structure of these segments, researchers use a process known as gel electrophoresis.

  • Used to identify gene s in any organism that have previously been identified in other organisms, such as fruit flies.
  • It can also be used to compare the DNA found from blood or hair samples at a crime scene with the DNA of a suspect in the crime.
Last modified: Thursday, 28 June 2012, 10:46 AM