Topic Name Description
Page Course overview
File Syllabus
Topic 1 Page Instruments
Page Indications for fetotomy
Page Pre requisite for fetotomy
Page Fetotomy in anterior longitudinal Presentation
Page Fetotomy in posterior longitudinal presentation
Topic 2 Page Indications
Page Anaesthesia
Page Operative Technique
Page Post operative complications
Topic 3 Page Time of occurence
Page Clinical Signs
Page Treatment
Topic 4 Page Anamnesis
Page Clinical Signs
Page Treatment
Topic 5 Page Need for BSE
Page Anamnesis
Page Clinical Examination
Page Examination of genital system
File Presentation
Topic 6 Page Need for BSE
Page Anamnesis
Page Clinical Examination
Topic 7 Page Uterine infections
File Presentation
Topic 8 Page Definition - Classification
Page False Anestrum -Causes
Page Diagnosis of False Anestrum
Page Treatment of false Anestrum
Page True Anestrum -Definition
Page Etiology- True Anestrum
Page Diagnosis of True Anestrum
Page Treatment of True Anestrum
File Presentation
Topic 9 Page Repeat breeding - Definiton
Page Repeat breeding - Etiology
Page Repeat breeding - Treatment
File Presentation
Topic 10 Page Hormones used in Animal Reproduction
Topic 11 Page Acknowledgement