Week Name Description
1 March - 7 March Page Introduction
Page Woman in Indian Society
Page The status of women in society has to be perceived in Terms of
Page Status of Women in Agriculture
Page Participation Profile of Rural Women
Page References
8 March - 14 March Page Total Population
Page Sex Ratio
Page Literacy Rate in India
Page References
15 March - 21 March Page Introduction
Page Major Causes For Poor Health and Nutritional Status Among Rural Women
Page Effects of Poor Health & Nutritional Status
Page References
22 March - 28 March Page Socio –Economic Status
Page Political Status
Page Concept of Political Participation
Page Reasons for the Poor Participation of Women in Politics
Page Participation of Women in Politics
Page References
29 March - 4 April Page Introduction
Page Fundamental Rights – Constitution of India
Page Directive Principles
Page Central and State Laws for the Welfare of Women
Page Welfare
Page Health and Nutrition
Page Vulnerable Women
Page Acts related to workers (labour)
Page Acts Related to Property
Page References
5 April - 11 April Page Marriage and Divorce
Page Adoption and Guardianship
Page Crimes Against Women
Page Sexual and Reproductive Rights
Page References
12 April - 18 April Page Introduction
Page Work Participation
Page Role of Women
Page Crop production
Page Post Harvesting
Page Livestock
Page Fisheries
Page Forestry
Page Home Management
Page Rural Production
Page Food Security
Page References
19 April - 25 April Page Introduction
Page Characteristics of Women in Agriculture
Page Categorization of Women in Agriculture
Page Boserup (1970) identifies four types of rural female work patterns which may be correlated with social class position
Page References
26 April - 2 May Page Introduction
Page Problems of Girl Child
Page Basic Reasons for These Problems
Page Impact of These Discriminatory Practices on Girl Children
Page Impact of These Discriminatory Practices on Girl Children
Page References
3 May - 9 May Page Facts and figures
Page Sex Determination and Female Foeticide
Page Current Status of the Girl child
Page References
10 May - 16 May Page Introduction
Page Preventive Measures to Avoid Discrimination
Page Scheme to Address Falling Female Sex Ratio
Page Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 (PC and PNDT Act)
Page Sensitization and Advocacy
Page References
17 May - 23 May Page Introduction
Page Conditional Transfer Scheme (Cash and Non-cash)
Page Health and Nutrition for Girl Child
Page Enabling Education for the Girl Child
Page Abolition of Child Marriage
Page Girl Child Abuse, Exploitation and Violence
Page Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Page Domestic Girl Child Labour
Page Welfare and Development of Adolescent Girls (11-18 years)
Page Girl Child Friendly Villages / Clusters
Page References
24 May - 30 May Page Introduction
Page Programmes and Schemes for Girl Child
Page Kishori Shakti Yojna
Page Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (Rgseag)
Page Services
Page Babu Bahini Manch Initiative
Page References
31 May - 6 June Page International programmes for girl child
Page Girl Star Stories of UNICEF
Page International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)
Page References
7 June - 13 June Page Introduction
Page Success Stories of Some Outstanding Girls
Page Lalita, Karate Teacher
Page Tehseen Bano, Girls’ Hostel Warden
Page Suryamani Bhagat, Forest Activist
Page Laxmirani Majhi, Archer
Page ‘Madhuri Kumari, Village Leader
Page Prasannta Shandilya Fought off Robbers Who Attacked her Parents
Page Mittal Patadiya Fought off Assailants Including One Who Stabbed her
Page References
14 June - 20 June Page Introduction
Page Structural Changes
Page Interactional Changes
Page Development Changes
Page References
21 June - 27 June Page Introduction
Page Types of Families
Page Characteristics of Family
Page References
28 June - 4 July Page Introduction
Page Status of women in Families
Page Measures to improve the social and economic status of rural women
Page References
5 July - 11 July Page Introduction
Page Meaning of Poverty
Page Causes of Rural Poverty
Page Reasons of Women’s Poverty
Page Reasons for Feminization of Poverty
Page References
12 July - 18 July Page Reasons for Feminization of Poverty
Page Hence the different indicators of poverty are
Page Poverty line
Page References
19 July - 25 July Page Failures leading to Poverty
Page References
26 July - 1 August Page Reasons for feminization of Poverty
Page Means of livelihood
Page References
2 August - 8 August Page Remedial measures for Poverty Reduction
Page References
9 August - 15 August Page Introduction
Page Meaning
Page Feminization of Agriculture in India
Page Women as Agricultural Producers
Page References
16 August - 22 August Page Feminization of Agriculture - Issues
Page Constraints
Page References
23 August - 29 August Page Women In the work Force
Page Women In Unorganized Sector
Page Contribution and Composition In The Economy
Page Occupational Profile Of Unorganised Labour
Page Need For Social Security For Women In Unorganised Sector
Page References
30 August - 5 September Page Current Status According to NCEUS
Page Major Problem Areas of Rural Artisans
Page Reasons for Problems Faced by Artisans of Unorganized Sector
Page Challenges Before unorganized Sector In India
Page Reference
6 September - 12 September Page Glossary of gender
Page Various gender Issues
Page Multiple Roles of Women
Page References
13 September - 19 September Page Introduction
Page Sex and Gender
Page Common Gender Stereotypes
Page Gender Roles
Page Gender Mainstream
Page Gender Sensitive Planning Therefore Aims To
Page References
20 September - 26 September Page Gender issues in agriculture
Page Gender roles In livestock Management
Page Gender and Forestry
Page Gender, ICT and Media
Page Environment in Gender Issues
Page Gender Issues in access to resources or ownership of assets
Page Household Headship
Page Gender Issues in Migration
Page References
27 September - 3 October Page Meaning and Concept
Page Gender based resource allocation
Page References
4 October - 10 October Page Meaning
Page Occupational Health Hazard
Page Workplace hazards to women’s reproductive health
Page Causes of Health Hazards
Page Remedial Measures
Page References
11 October - 17 October Page Types of Occupational Health Hazards
Page Activity Specific Health Hazards
Page References
18 October - 24 October Page Pesticides related health hazards and preventive measures
Page References
25 October - 31 October Page Introduction
Page Meaning
Page Drudgery Reducing tools and Implements for Farm women
Page References
1 November - 7 November Page Technological Needs of Rural Women
Page Identification of Technological Needs of women-Life Cycle Approach
Page Knowledge Empowerment Technologies
Page Drudgery Reduction Technologies
Page Value Addition Technologies
Page Gainful and Additional Employment Technologies
Page Income Generation Technologies
Page References
8 November - 14 November Page Introduction
Page The Need for a National Policy on Technology for Rural Areas
Page CAPART’s Specific Mandate Regarding Technology for Rural Areas is as Follows
Page Objectives of the National Policy on Technology for Rural Areas
Page References
15 November - 21 November Page Technology Transfer
Page Types of Technology
Page Nature of Technology
Page Strategies for Transfer of Technologies
Page References
22 November - 28 November Page Introduction
Page Meaning &Concept
Page Quantitative Indicators of Empowerment
Page References
29 November - 5 December Page Introduction
Page Dimensions of Empowerment of Women
Page Major Concerns and Constraints of Women Empowerment
Page Ways of Empowering Women
Page References
6 December - 12 December Page Introduction
Page Goal
Page Objectives
Page Constitution
Page References
13 December - 19 December Page Department of Women Development and Child Welfare
Page Schemes Of the Ministry Of Women and Child Development
Page Schemes for Economic Empowerment
Page Care of pregnant and lactating mothers
Page Girl child protection scheme
Page References
20 December - 26 December Page District Rural Development Agency
Page References
27 December - 2 January Page Profile
Page The Kosh Has Three Main Roles
Page Function of the Kosh
Page References
3 January - 9 January Page A Brief History
Page The Mandate Of The Commission
Page Constitution Of The Commission
Page Publications
Page References
10 January - 16 January Page ANTWA
Page References
17 January - 23 January Page MYRADA
Page Women Youth Training and Extension Project (WYTEP)
Page References
24 January - 30 January Page Preface
Page Background
Page Objectives
Page Policy Directions
Page References