1. Stem borer

1. Stem borer - Apriona cinerea Chaverlot. (Lamidae: Coleoptera)

    • The grub bores into twigs causing circuitous galleries.
    • The infested branches have small circular hole and mass of excreta and chewed up wood particles protruding out.
    • The barks of branches are gnawed and leaves defoliated.
    • The adult beetle is ashy grey with numerous black tubercles at the base of elytra.
    • The female lays eggs inside the cavity, which is excavated on shoots.
    • The incubation period is 7-8 days.
    • The grub is creamy yellow with the dark brownish head.
    • The grub undergoes hibernation during winter and resumes feeding in March, reaching the tree trunk by autumn (September-October) again go in hibernation during winter.
    • It pupates inside the tunnel. The pupal period is 30-35 days.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 10:31 PM