1. Cherry stem borer

1. Cherry stem borer - Aeolesthes holosericca F. (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera)

    • The newly hatched out grub tunnels the bark and makes zig - zag galleries.
    • The grown up grub bores in to the stem deeply and damages the woody tissues.
    • The infested plant withers and gradually dies. The bore hole is plugged with excreta.
    • The adult beetle is dark brown measuring 38-45 mm in length.
    • It lays eggs on the dry wood portion or increases of out on the bark.
    • The egg period is 7-12 days.
    • The grubs is yellowish in colour and are covered with fine bristles, measuring 70-80 mm long the larval period is completed in 27-32 months.
    • It pupates either in October-November or in March -April.
    • The pupal period ranges from 40-100 days.
    • The total life cycle is completed in 31% - 36 months.

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 11:38 PM