1. San Jose scale

1. San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comst. (Diaspididae: Hemiptera)

    • Both nymphs and adults infest the bark and desap the same. The infested region of the bark becomes reddish pink and purple colouration in fruits.
    • The female scale is round slightly convex with a black pustule and the male is linear. The hibernating nymphs become active in March and the males emerge in April. The females reproduce in mid May producing 200-400 nymphs within a month. The nymphal period is 20 days. The total life cycle is completed in 35-40 days.
    • Spray diazinon 20 EC 1250 ml or methyl demeton 5 EC 625 ml /hectare.
    • Select nursery stock free from scale infestation.
    • Encourage activity of parasitoids, Prospaltella perniciosi and Aspidiotophagus sp. and / or coccinellid Chilocorus circumdatus predator.
    • Fumigate nursery stocks with HCN gas or methyl bromide.
    • Summer spray with contact or systemic insecticides like phosalone 0.05%, fenitrothion 0.05% and methyl demeton 0.025%.
    • Winter spray with diesel oil emulsion at 8 to 12 1/tree (diesel oil 4.5 1, soap 1 kg, water 54-72 1).

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 11:35 PM