1. Almond weevil

1. Almond weevil Myllocerus lactivirens Marshl. (Curculionidae: Coleoptera)

    • The adult weevil cut the irregular holes and gradually eat away the entire leaf lamina from the ventral all surface of leaves resulting severe defoliation.
    • The adult weevil is small pale metallic green in colour measuring 3-4 mm long.
    • It lays eggs in soil in batches of 40-50 each.
    • The eggs are broadly oval, creamy yellow, smooth, transparent and shiny.
    • The egg period is 4-5 days.
    • The grub is creamy white, stout, without legs but short erect setae which help in locomotion.
    • The full grown grubs come up to the soil surface to pupate in the upper 25 mm of the soil.
    • The larval and pupal periods last for 300 days and 5 days respectively.
    • The pupal stage over winters in cooler months.

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 11:39 PM