1. Peach Stem borer

1. Peach Stem borer - Sphenoptera lafertei Thomson.(Buprestidae: Coleoptera)

    • The grubs feed below the bark making minute irregular galleries causing loosening and splitting of barks.
    • The beetle feeds on leaves, which turn pale and dry up.
    • The adult beetle is blackish bronze in colour measuring 10-13 mm long.
    • The female lays small, spherical white eggs singly on the tree trunk and the main branches.
    • The egg period is 20 days.
    • The grub stage is completed in 2 months in summer and 6 months in winter.
    • It pupates in a small chamber in woody tissues.
    • The pupal period lasts for 8-12 days in summer.
    • Collect and destroy damaged shoots and branches.
    • Swab trunk with carbaryl 50 WP at 0.2%.
    • Spray malathion 0.1% or acephate 75 SP 2 g/litre

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 11:33 PM