1. Peach leaf curl aphid

1. Peach leaf curl aphid - Brachycaudus helichrysi Kalt (Aphididae: Hemiptera)

    • Both nymphs and adults desap the leaves, petioles, blossom and fruits.
    • The infested leaf turn pale and curl up, blossom wither and fruits do not develop and drops prematurely.
    • It appears in cooler regions after the middle of March and from June to October it feeds on golden rod a alternative host.
    • The egg stage over winters from October-December.
    • During spring the egg hatch and nymphs moves out on to the primordial leaves and suck the sap.
    • The eggs are produced parthenogenetically which hatch inside the body of mother.
    • Each viviparous female produces about 50 nymphs in 13 days of life span.
    • After completing 3-4 asexual generations, the aphid migrates to its alternative host to pass summer.
    • They again reproduce asexually and complete 4-5 generation from June-October.
    • The winged females are again produced in November.

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 11:28 PM