1. Stemborer

1. Stemborer - Sahydrassus (= Phassus) malabaricus M. (Hepialidae: Lepidoptera)

    • The caterpillar bores in the stem at the base of the tree resulting bore hole with circular particle mat covering on the stem and wilting of the tree.
    • The adult moth is big brownish white in colour. The larva is stout caterpillar.
    • Remove and destroy damaged branches and trees along with larvae.
    • Use light trap at 1/ha attract and kill adults.
    • Locate live hole and kill caterpillar by spiking with an iron hook.
    • Inject or pour monocrotophos 10 ml+water 10 ml mixture and cover with mud. Follow stem injection after harvest of fruits and subsequent harvest should be done 40 days later from first stem injection.

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 11:12 PM