1. Tent Caterpillar
1. Tent Caterpillar - Malacosoma indica Wlk. (Lasiocarapidae: Lepidoptera)
- The caterpillar constructs a tent like shelters at the forking twigs and hide within during the day time.
- The caterpillar feeds on the leaves gregariously during the night hours causing severe defoliation.
- It is active only from March to May and passes the remaining
- months of the year during eggs stage.
- The adult female moth is light brown with a wing expanse of 29-32 mm.
- It lays eggs in masses of 300-400 on branches of the tree during May-June.
- The eggs are hatched in the following month.
- The larva has black head and abdomen.
- The larval period is 40-70 days.
- It pupates on stem and on ground in cocoon during May for 7-21 days.
- Destroy all the egg bands on the branches during pruning.
- Spray carbaryl 50 WP 4 g / lit of water.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 11:53 PM