1. Apple woolly aphid

1. Apple woolly aphid - Eriosoma lanigarum Hausmn. (Pemphigidae : Hemiptera)

    • Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the bark fruit stalk, calyx and roots.
    • The affected plants become weak and cause death of the plants in the nursery.
    • It causes gall like swellings on the stem and roots.
    • It crowds together covered with woolly white patches on the trunk.
    • The aphid is purplish aphid covered with white cottony mats.
    • It reproduces both sexually and asexually.
    • Generally it develops parthenogenetically.
    • Apterous forms are present throughout the year.
    • Each female may produce up to 116 young ones in her life time.
    • The nymph undergoes four instars.
    • The nymphal period is 35 - 42 days.
    • Alate form disperses by flight and gives rise to apterous forms by sexual reproduction.
    • Use tolerant or resistant root stocks; M778, M779, MM 14, MM 110, MM 112, MM 114 and MM 115.
    • Release specific eulophid parasitoid Aphelinus mali during December and
    • June to obtain maximum parasitization and predators, Chilomenes bijugus and Coccinella septumpunctata.
    • Spray nicotin sulphate 40EC 500 ml or malathion 50 EC 750 ml in 500 litres of water.
    • Apply the fumigant paradichlorobenzene at 30-110 gram / tree in a 15 cm deep trench around the tree about two metres away from the base of the affected tree.
    • Remove the aphids mechanically by rubbing with clothes without causing
    • any damage to the developing buds.
    • Follow nursery bed treatment of carbofuran 3 G 0.5 g a.i./plant or spray dimethoate 0.03% or methyl demeton 0.025% in March to April and June to control aerial forms.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 10:47 PM