1. Apple root borer

1. Apple root borer - Dorysthenus hiigelii Redt.(Cerambycidae: Coleoptera)

    • The grub borers into the roots or girdles around the roots and feed on the internal tissues.
    • It resulted in shaking of plants, withering and drying of branches.
    • The adult beetle is chestnut -red in colour with head and thorax darker than elytra.
    • It lays oval shaped yellow white eggs below the soil.
    • A female can lay up to 200 eggs. The egg period is 30-40 days.
    • The newly hatched out grub goes down to the soil, 100-250 mm deep and feed on the roots of the tree.
    • The full grown grub is creamy-white with black head and mandibles measuring 75-100 mm in length.
    • The larval duration extends up to 3 % years and it can live without food for 24 - 90 days.
    • It pupates in earthern cocoon inside the soil. Its pupal period is about 3 months.
    • Avoid dry sandy soils for planting apple orchards

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 12:01 AM