Classification based on plant parts used

Classification based on plant parts used

    Spices can be classified depending on the parts of the plant that are to be used. Different plant parts like leaf, root, bulb, fruit, seed, etc. are used as spice.
    a) Seed: Cumin, black cumin, fenugreek, coriander, fennel, ajowan, poppy, aniseed and mustard.
    b) Bulb: Onion, garlic, leek and shallot.
    c) Bark: Cinnamon and cassia
    d) Fruit: Chilli, cardamom, allspice and kokam
    e) Leaf: Mint, curryleaf, bayleaf, chive, rosemary and savory
    f) Rhizome: Turmeric, ginger, and galangal
    g) Pod: Vanilla and tamarind
    h) Kernel: Nutmeg
    i) Floral part: Saffron, savory, caper and marjoram
    j) Bud: Clove and caper
    k) Latex: Asfotida
    I) Aril: Mace and anardana
    m) Berry: Black pepper, juniper and allspice

Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 1:49 PM