Area and Production of Spices

Area and Production of Spices

    • During the past years, there has been a steady increase in area and production of spices in India. The annual growth rate of area and production of spices in India is estimated to be 3.6% and 5.6% respectively. The total area under spices cultivation is about 32.20 lakhs hectare with a -production of 37.65 lakhs tonnes. Rajasthan, Andhra pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and North Eastern States are important states for spices production.
    • Among the spices cultivated in India, black pepper is known as the 'King of Spices'. It is the most important dollar—earning crop of the country which plays a decisive role in our national and state economics. Kerala is in the fore most position contributing 96% of area. The production has also increased from 55590 tonnes to 79100 tonnes. YEAR ? India's hitherto unquestioned strata as the largest producer and exporter of black pepper i the world if/ now under threat from Vietnam.
    • Cardamom, renowned as the 'Queen of Spices' is known as important commodity of international market. India has enjoyed near monopoly in area under cultivation, production and export of cardamom upto the early eighties. But Gautemala has stepped up its production from the mid-eighties and India was relegated to second position in production.
    • The area under cultivation has come down from 1.05 lakh hectares in 1987-88 to 0.72 lakh hectares in 1999- 2000. But in 2001-02 the area has further increased to 1.02 lakh hectares.
    • The production of cardamom in India was 17300 tonnes during 2001-02. But the global import demand for cardamon is workedout as 25000 tonnes during 2005 AD. India is a major producer and exporter of chilli.
    • Chilli is cultivated in an area of 8.81 lakh hectares in 2001-022009-10? with a production of 11.13 lakh tonnes. 2009-10? It contributes 27.36 % and 29.56 % respectively to the total area and production from all spices.
    • Ginger also contributes much towards the export earnings. India has the largest area (84600 hectares) under ginger cultivation with a
    • production of 2.064 lakh tonnes during 2001-02. It is grown mainly in Kerala, Sikkim, Assam, West Bengal, Tripura and Arunchal Pradesh. The area under ginger cultivation was 21590 hectares during 1970-71.
    • India is the major producer of turmeric. The area of turmeric has increased from 1.30 hectares during 1996-97 to 1.67 lakh hectares during 1996-97, and 1.67 lakh hectares during 2001-02. 2009-10. The production of turmeric has recorded an increase from 3.07 lakh tonnes to 5.52 lakh tonnes. Major turmeric growing states of India are Assam, Maharashtra, Orissa, Meghalaya, Andhrapradesh, Gujrat and Madhya Pradesh.
    • Among the seed spices grown in India. coriander, cumin, fenugreek and fennel are important. Seed spices are also an important commodity in the international market. India produces about 80% of the world supply of coriander. Only Rajasthan alone accounts for 70% of production.
    • The area of coriander cultivation was 4.33 lakh hectares and production was 3.18 lakh tonnes during the year 2001-02. 2009-10? In cumin, India also holds an enviable position. 90% of total production is coming from Rajasthan and Gujrat.
    • The area under cumin cultivation in India was 5.26 lakh hectares during 2001-02. 2009-10? Total production of this seed spice was 2.06 lakh tonnes. Major cumin producing states are Rajasthan, Gujrat, Punjab, Madhyapradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
    • Fennel is also an important seed spice of India which plays an important role in the foreign market for export. Nearly 90% total fennel production comes from Gujarat. Other producing states are Rajasthan, Uttar pradesh, Haryana, Karnatka and Bihar.
    • The area and production of fennel during 2001-02 was 39900 hectares and 38500 tonnes respectively 2009-10? In fenugreek, Rajasthan (75%) and Gujarat (25%) take major position in area under cultivation. Other fenugreek producing states are Madhyapradesh and Haryana.
    • The area under Fenugreek cultivation in 2001-02 was 1.16 lakh hectars. Production of this spice was recorded 1.36 lakh tonnes in 2001-02. 2009-10? Garlic is also an important spice grown in India. It is grown in sizable areas, especially in Madhyapradesh, Orissa, Maharashtra, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
    • The area of garlic has increased from 79400 hectares to 88100 hectares in 2001-02 2009-10? The production of this spices has stepped up from 2.86 lakh tonnes to 3.67 lakh tonnes in 2001-02. 2009-10? Saffron is the costliest spice of the world. It's cultivation is confined to the Kashmir Valley. India's share to the global supply is of 50 tonnes is little over 10%.

Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 2:40 PM