Classification based on climate requirement of the crop

Classification based on climate requirement of the crop

    Depending on suitable climatic conditions like temperature, sunlight, humidity and air of a particular climatic zone, spices are grouped into three categories.
    Tropical spices
    • Spices of this category need high temperature, and abundant humidity.
    • They are easily damaged by low temperature.
    • Tropical spices are ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, kokam, galangal, small cardamom and clove.
    Subtropical spices
    • Sub-tropical climate is found where three distinct seasons like winter, summer and monsoon are found.
    • Low temperature occurs in winter and high temperature during summer.
    • Most of the spices require relatively low temperature during their vegetative or early growth stage and high temperature in reproductive stage.
    • The examples of sub-tropical spices grown in winter are cumin, fennel, coriander, fenugreek, onion and garlic.
    • Sub¬tropical spices grown during summer are turmeric and ginger.
    Temperate spices
    • Spices of this type can withstand low temperature and frosty weather but are damaged easily in hot weather.
    • Examples of temperate spices are thymes, saffron, savoy, caraway seed and asfoetida.

Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 1:55 PM