Other value added products

Other value added products

    Ground spices
    • The spices which are milled to the degree of fineness like coarse grind, finegrind and cracked, etc. called the ground spices.
    • There a considerable amount of heat is evolved during grinding operation which results in loss of flavour.
    • To over come this problem, spices are now milled at a low temperature.
    Consumer packed spices
    • The spices which are exported to the developed foreign countries are consumed in three main segments i.e. industrial, institutional and retail.
    • Various types of packaging media are used according to the consumer's preference or choice.
    • Different types of packaging media like plastic films, aluminium foils, laminations, flexible pouches are used.
    • By exporting consumer packed spices, higher unit value for the same quantity can be earned.
    Organic spices
    • The awareness and growing concern of health and hazards through chemical residual toxicity led to the development of organic crops and organic spices also.
    • The demand for organic spices is increasing.
    • The organic agriculture has got tremendous importance in the international market.
    • India has become a member of the countries exporting organic spices.
    • Major consumer countries are USA, Europe and Japan.
    • Organic products are more expensive than the conventional ones.

Last modified: Friday, 9 March 2012, 4:00 AM