Value Added Spice Products

Value Added Spice Products

    Value added products indicates that for the same volume of a primary product, a high price is realized by means of processing, packaging and upgrading the quality or other such be handled per unit area, also encourages the growth of ancillary industry and fetches increased foreign exchange. Majority of total spices trade (about 85%) is in the raw and bulk form. Thus there is a vast scope for exporting the processed and value added spice products in India.
    The value added spice products have certain advantages that are mentioned below:

    • It imparts their total flavour and keep intact the aromatic constituents.
    • It does not varies in flavour, strength and quality.
    • It is more hygienic than whole spice.
    • It fetches increased foreign exchange.
    • More volume can be handled per unit area.
    • It helps to encourage the growth of ancillary industries. 7. It is easy to store.
    • Therefore, emphasis should be given on the production of more value added spice products as there is a vast scope to export the processed and value added spices. The following are the different kinds of value added products in spices.

Last modified: Friday, 9 March 2012, 3:51 AM