Spice oil

Spice oil

    Spice oil is obtained by steam distillation of various parts of the spices. The essential oil thus obtained are endowed with the major part of the flavour and fragrance properties of the spices.
    Following are the various types of spice oils:

    • Pepper oil: Oil is obtained by steam distillation of dried and crushed berries of black pepper. This oil is used for flavouring of food especially when anyone wants the pepper like aroma without pungency. The oil content varies from 2-4%.
    • Ginger oil: Ginger oil is obtained from the ground dried ginger rhizomes by distillation. Usual yield of oil is 1.5-2.5%. But higher yield of about 4% has also been observed. Ginger oil contains sesquiterpene, high carbon compound like gingiberine and some oxygenated carbons also. Ginger is valued for its pungency, heat and flavour. The major pungent principle is due to the presence of gingerole.
    • Cardamom oil: Cardamom oil is present in the seed and whole fruit i.e. the capsule. The ground powder of it is used to impart the aroma in the foods. To obtain the oil, the seeds are steam distilled. It yields oil of 6-8% in capsule and 8-12% in seed. The major constituents of cardamom oil are cineole and terpenyl acetate.
    • Nutmeg oil: It has 2-15% oil. Bulk of which is composed of terpene hydrocarbons. The oxygenated derivatives consists of geraniole, linalool, terpinole, safrole and elemicin.

Last modified: Friday, 9 March 2012, 3:54 AM