Channa or paneer is prepared by heating fresh cows milk to a temperature of 80°C, slowly stirred and rapidly coagulated by adding lactic or citric acid or natural sour whey.
Lactic acid gives a granular channa and used for rasgulla making.
Citric acid yields plastic product that is used for sandesh.
There after it is passes through the kneading machine to give smoothness.
Rasgulla-Are made by gently shaping the channa, followed by immension in flavoured sugar syrup, canning and sterilization.
Rasmalai- Flat dishes of channa immersed in sweetened concentrated milk is Rasmalai.
Sandesh-Is a dry, fairly gritty product, it gets the name through being offered to guests who brought sandesh for good news.
Process: Channa, sugar and flavorings are blended under low heat by heating with a wooden spatula shaped in teak wood mould.
A special flavor and light brown colour are imparted when palm jaggery is added as the sweetening agent.
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 5:55 AM