I. Values may be classified as means to an end or as ends in themselves.
The means to an end values are also called as instrumental or extrinsic values and the ends in themselves are called as intrinsic or ultimate values.
The intrinsic values are desirable and self sufficient and are the quality of an experience. These intrinsic values are ends in themselves. These are important and desirable for the individual sake.
Example: The happiness you enjoy by watching a beautiful sunset or by seeing a cute baby’s dance. The human dignity or love may be same examples of intrinsic value.
The extrinsic or instrumental values are those used to achieve an end of satisfaction. They are the means of attaining higher values. These values are used as a means to attain some other value rather than an end in itself. These can be viewed as tools for demonstrating other values.
Example: Efficiency is the instrumental value to achieve the higher value of improvement in the quality an activity. Some values possess both intrinsic and instrumental characters.
Example: Sports or play in both intrinsic value for satisfaction and instrumental for better health. Similarly comfort, art, knowledge, ambition and religion are the examples for possessing both intrinsic and instrumental value characters.
II. Values can also be classified as general –specific scope values.
These may be intrinsic or extrinsic.Values that are satisfied in one single action are called specific values.
Ex: Enjoying the beauty of sunrise on seashore.
Values that prevail time and again and require a number of actions, each inadequate in its ability to satisfy one general values.
Example: Knowledge- which will not be satisfied by one single action.
III. Values can also be classified as factual values and normative values
The factual values are also called as descriptive values which lend themselves to research. These are based on observable preferences and desires of people.
Example- respect for education.
The normative values are based on the social norms accepted by the individual or group. These are ethical values which carry the idea of ‘rigat’ and concerned with the philosophy and religion.
Example : Honesty.