
Lesson 5: Principles of Design - Balance and Rhythm


Design is an arrangement of different elements of art such as line, colour, form etc. with the help of certain guidelines called principles of design. The principles of design refer to the organization of a work of art. Each principle interprets how artists use the elements of art, composition and design to express their feelings and ideas. The principles of design govern relationship among the elements of designs. Elements (line, colour, form, texture etc.) are visual components and principles are underlying assumptions applied to visual interpretation. The principles of design involve organization of the elements for visual effectiveness. Through them the elements are brought into meaningful relationship. Principles are the basic guides to organization, the ways in which the elements are combined. Success in the application of the principles depends on the complementary functioning of each of the elements. To bring them into a working relationship and to unify the whole is the function of the designer.

Artists and designers use the principles of design as they select materials, shape them to present an idea and arrange them to create appeal and interest in the completed design. The basic principles of design are:

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 8:16 AM