Branches of Psychology
Clinical or medical Psychology: Applied branch which uses the general findings of abnormal Psychology to the treatment of Psychological disorders.
Child Psychology: Deals with various developmental process like motor, intellectual, emotional, social etc and the interaction of heredity and environment in the development process of the child.
Psychological Psychology: Deals with detailed analysis of the Psychological structure of the human being in relation to working of mind.
Animal or Comparative Psychology: In this branch the behaviour of animals are studied for the sake of understanding the behaviour of animals and to some extent that of human beings.
Social Psychology: This branch is developed out of sociology and cultural anthropology. It deals with the study of individual as a member of a group and relation of groups to one another. It studies the emergence of social behaviour.
Differential Psychology: Deals with studies as individual differences in learning, intelligence etc. It includes within its scope problems of heredity and environment.
Para Psychology: This branch is known by Psychic research. It deals with problems like extra sensory perception, telepathy etc.
Experimental Psychology: It is constituted by experimental studies of the various aspects of general Psychology conducted sender experimental conditions in the laboratory with the help of tests, trolls, techniques etc. Mostly animas are used experiment.
Industrial Psychology: It is the study of all mental processes and function when human beings are made to work together in an organised enterprise.
Educational Psychology: Deals with behaviour of human beings in educational situations. It is concerned with the study of human behaviour or the human personality – its growth, development and guidance under the social process of education.
Last modified: Thursday, 1 December 2011, 5:49 AM