World Food Programme (WFP)

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

World Food Programme (WFP)

The World Food Programme is a recent venture of the Food and Agricultural Organization through which efforts are made to provide assistance in terms of food to the developing countries. One of the major components of the programme is making available donations of food from developed countries for feeding children in the programme of combating malnutrition and under nutrition in the developing countries. In terms of size, the core of the world's health and nutrition problem lies in India. Despite a recent remarked improvement in the country's food production and supplies many of its people have such low purchasing power that malnutrition affects millions. Food assistance is available to the State Governments and the Voluntary Organizations working for children from the international stocks of the WEF for feeding children in institutions or through voluntary effort. Food assistance is also made available during emergencies such as floods, droughts, earthquake, fires etc.

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 February 2012, 4:45 AM