United Nations (UN)

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

United Nations (UN)

The Department of International Economic and Social Affairs has undertaken a global study on the training of para-professional social welfare personnel working with children and families, a study on the changing role of women and that implications for family and child welfare services, and reports for that UN Secretary General on the co-ordination of the social components of IYC and on adoption and foster placement. Other activities planned include a study on alternative models for providing comprehensive family services in the context of the UN Decade for Women, a study on ways of monitoring the situation of children, a study on the problems of child abuse, a review and analysis of formal and customary laws affecting the rights of children, and a declaration of social and legal principle~; relating to adoption and foster placement of children.

The Division of Human Rights is working on a draft convention on the human rights of children and preparing an "Inventory of international standards and related activities in the field of the rights of the child." Ongoing activities include providing the services of experts to assist Government in devising policies and measures aimed at ensuring the rights of children, and particularly those of indigenous children subject to slavery and such practices as the forced marriage of young girls.

UN regional organs, such as the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the Economic Commission for Latin America, Economic Commission for Africa, has each undertaken regional surveys on the needs of children and have established coordinating units for an information exchange and programme co-operation benefiting child.

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 February 2012, 5:09 AM