Composition or arrangement

Lesson 7: Definition of Motifs, Pattern and Design

Composition or arrangement

The motif source which has been interpreted in some way must be arranged on the fabric. Compositions are achieved by placing the pattern within the area. During arrangement of motif its repeat is an important consideration. A motif repeats itself after certain distance in a particular manner, so a repeat is the distance from where the pattern begins until it begins again. Repeat is the small part of a large composition. Composition can be of three types:

  1. Border arrangement
    • Border designs are composed of a unit or series of units or lines repeated at interval over the length of the enclosed area.
    • Any line, form, or colour which breaks rhythmic movement of border design should not be used.
    • Frequently the rhythm can be achieved through the use of an unbroken line running the length of the border, though not always straight.

  2. All over or repeat arrangement

  3. Unusual design (Spaced design)

Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 6:57 AM