The very first step while working out a design is to make geometric plan or layout. The aim of the layout is to secure an orderly arrangement within the structural design. The principle masses of form and colour of the decoration are indicated by sketching or blocking in the sizes and shapes in their positions. Now the design is in an experimental state. One should play freely with shapes and colours and for this inventiveness is required on the part of the designer. After something has been put down, the design may then be judged according to the principles of design.
Designs that have been worked out in this manner have unity. The process of designing thus includes first planning the design, second blocking in the entire area the decoration is to occupy, and third breaking this area up into details that are related to each other and to the entire structure. It is important to make a practice of looking at any design from the standpoint of first the whole effect and second the details. If design making starts by working from details to the whole, the effect is likely to be that of unrelated units designed without reference to the whole.
The person who finds that he can not originate a good design may select a good idea, interpret it to suit his own taste and change it in whatever manner he finds advisable in order to adapt to his design and its purpose. The libraries and museums hold a wealth of inspiration on for young designers valuable illustrative material can be found in the designs of different places and different countries. All folk art is likely to yield rich inspiration for design. Some of these designs may furnish an idea for the plan or geometric layout while others may suggest interesting details.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 7:17 AM