Heat Transfer Printing

Lesson 10: Methods of Producing Designs on Textiles: Printing, Dyeing & Painting

Heat Transfer Printing

Heat transfer or sublimation printing is a system of printing in which dyes (non ionic disperse dye) applied to a paper base, and then transferred from the paper to a fabric. The transfer of colours takes place as the colour sublimes through vaporization. This is achieved by rolling the paper and the fabric together under pressure and at high temperatures (424 ° F or 200°C). It is a very convenient method of printing and does not require wet processing.

Nowadays it has wide application in the fashion world. Heat transfer printing is principally used in the printing of novelty items, such as polyester tops and t-shirts (Fig.10.5). Today heat transfer printing has gained significant importance and favor in several industries - especially in the apparel industry as an alternative for printed fabric. With the help of specially formulated dye-sublimation inks and advances in graphics and RIP software packages, operators now have greater control and flexibility which results in a better quality end product. Now short runs of fabrics or even individual cut parts can be printed efficiently, quickly, and cost-effectively in response to real market demand.

Fig.10.5 Sample of heat transfer printing
Last modified: Monday, 30 January 2012, 7:45 AM