Induced breeding of fishes


  • In India, generally, pituitary glands are used as an inducing agent to breed Indian major carps and Chinese carps. The glands collected from fresh gravid fishes are used. The extracts are prepared and injected to fishes at a dose of 3-4 mg of pituitary/kg of fish.
  • Spawning generally takes place within 3–6 hours after the final injection to females. After the first injection, a set consisting of one female and two males is released in the breeding hapa. Breeding hapa is a rectangular cloth container, stitched with close meshed cloth, having an opening on one side (breadth side) through which breeders are introduced and taken out and can be securely tied. Breeding hapas are fixed in the marginal waters of ponds, canals, lakes and reservoirs.
Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 6:11 AM