Requirements for spawning of fishes


  • The spawning requirements of various species of fish are as follows:

Name of the fish

Spawning tank size lx bx h (cm)

Spawning requirments


Barbs, Rasbora spp.


2 cm layer of sandy tank spread with plant thickets; clump off Certaphyllum sp., or Myriophylum sp., Limnophila sp., Cabomba sp., etc., free space in the middle.

Spawning takes place in about 2 hours; eggs fall among the feathery fronds of the plants; babies are seen hanging on the leaves or on the walls



Breeding tank with plants

Swims, upside down during courtship waggling to tail; egg fall at the base of the tank



Tank with peaty water and thickly planted and covered with paper to exclude strong light; dark bottom required

Very fine eggs are dropped and seen lying on the floor of the tank; become free swimmers after 36 hours

Siamese fighting fish, Chinese paradise and gourami


Spawns by typical embracing; males build bubble nest; one broad leaf should be placed on the surface; bubbles are built below the leaves as a nest

Female fish bulging with roe alone are paired with the male; floating plants or leaves help in the construction of the males’s nest; female is removed when the hatchling become free swimmers after 96 hours

Kissing gourami


15 cm long fishes are used for breeding; eggs are exuded and fertilized eggs float to the surface; floating plants are kept to help hide the spawn/ hatchlings

Eggs hatch in 24 hours; fry hang on for two days; become free swimming on the 4th day



Breeding tank is spread with 2 cm thick layer of sand. Medium sized one or two rocks are kept at the bottom

Eggs hatch in three days; fry wriggles in two days; free swimming on the 6th day

Zebra, cichild


Tank is kept with flower pots or hard stone bars or marble tiles; male partner is removed after spawning; the bar containing the eggs is removed to a bare tank and hatched separately

Egg hatch in 3 days; fry could be seen wriggling in 3 days; free swimming larvae develops on the 7th day

Angel fish


Berried male and female parent fish are housed in the tank with plants. Slate bars are kept slanting at 60º inclination on which it spawns; spawns once in 8 days for 18 months

Parent shows care over eggs and fry; eggs hatch in 3 days; swims on the 8th day

Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 6:34 AM