

  • A breeding tank with a capacity of 3-10 litre is ideal. Male and female sex ratio of 1:4 is maintained. Temperature of 25-30oC, pH 7-8 and medium hardwater or slightly saline water (2-3ppt) are preferred. Gestation period in female fish is about 30 days. About 200 youngones are released at a time. Youngones often cling to the plants kept in the breeding tank. The parent fish should be removed immediately after it gives birth to youngones. The baby fishes are fed with Artemia nauplii or seived zooplankton for the first 15 days. Rice bran and ground nut oilcake mixture may also be used for feeding the baby fish. A water exchange of 10% in the rearing tank once in every 5 days enhances the growth and ovary development.
Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 6:29 AM