Angel fish


  • A breeding tank (60x30x35 cm) of 63 litre capacity containing well aerated water is suitable. A sex ratio of 1:1 is ideal. The breeding tank is provided with a slanting glass piece and plants with large leaves such as Echinodorus sp. Gravel may be piled and spread to a depth of 5 cm or more inside the tank. The breeding tube (ovipositor) which appears during the spawning period could be the identifying feature in the brood fish. After a brief courtship, breeding pair prepares suitable locality in the tank. The female fish spawns on the slanting glass pieces or over the plant leaves and about 1000 eggs are laid at a time. The parents take care of the eggs. The hatchlings come out in 3 days and they normally do not swim.
  • It is recommended to transfer the eggs along with the substratum (leaf, piece of slate or glass) in which they are attached. The eggs are treated with 0.01 ppm methylene blue solution to prevent bacterial infection. Adequate aeration of the water is essential in the breeding tank. The newly hatched fry are fed after one week with brine shrimp nauplii or daphnids. The hatchlings must be fed with live foods viz. nauplii of Artemia sp. and copepods. Large circular tanks of 4 m dia. and 45 cm high or rectangular tanks of 5x1x0.5 m size may be used for mass rearing of angel fishes.
Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 6:28 AM