Blue Gourami


  • A breeding tank of 50-100 lit capacity is used for the species. A water pH of 6.5-7 and temperature of 24 - 26ÂșC are normally maintained. The male and female brood fishes are stocked at 1:1. The male fish is identified by its extended dorsal fin and female by its bulged belly which indicates the presence of ready to lay eggs. Ceratophyllum sp. can be introduced in the breeding tank. The male constructs a partially built bubble nest, in which the female lays about 1000 non-adhesive oily eggs. The eggs hatch out in 24 hours. Immediately after spawning, the parents are removed. The hatchlings are maintained at a water depth of 10 cm and are fed from the second day onwards. The growing fry are fed four times a day with mainly microscopic organisms such as Chlorella sp., diatoms, etc.
Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 6:25 AM