Percussion and auscultation on the right hand side


  • It can be carried over the right flank in the normal liver area by means of the finger and phonendoscope discloses the reduction or absence of a normal lvier dullness, in case of abomasal dilatation and torsion.
  • It is also used to detect the presence of the gas filled viscera.
  • The phonendoscope is placed on the abdominal wall and adjacent area is percussed by snapping the finger against the flank.
  • A drum like resonant or ping signifies the presence of intra abdominal viscus contain gas under pressure.
  • Many organs can be responsible for the right side abdominal flank.
  • The area of ping is larger in area of:
    • Atonic coiled colonĀ 
    • Abomasal volvulusĀ 
    • Caecal dilatation
Last modified: Wednesday, 3 November 2010, 9:21 AM