Liver function test


  • It involves the dye at the rate of 2 mg/kg and taking samples at intervals. It is particularly a test excretory function of liver the animals with liver dysfunction retain the dye for more than 45 min. The serum hydroxides solution is added to 2ml of urine and the amount of dye retained is measured photometrically.
  • 5-10% dye retention – mild hepatic disease.
  • 10-25% dye retention – moderate hepatic disease.
  • Greater than 25% - severe disorder of the liver.

Propionate conversion test:

  • Liver is the main site for gluconeogenesis and propionate metabolism in ruminants of VFA. The test is gluconeogenic and measurement of blood glucose production after I/V injection of sodium propionate is useful in assessing the livers ability for metabolic conversion.

Phylloerythrin excretion:

  • By bovines or herbivores indicate liver function to some extent. This substance is a porphyrin formed by the breakdown of chlorophyll in rumen. Normally it passes through the liver and is excreted in bile, as it is absorbed from G.I. tract. If the flow of the bile is interrupted or there is a damage to liver parenchyma, phylloerythrins accumulate in blood plasma or tissue then it is activated by light hence exposure of such animals to sunlight produces solar dermatitis in unpigmented areas of skin.

Hepatogenous secondary photosensitization:

  • Provided there is no evidence of primary photosensitization caused by nutritional factors or drug.
Last modified: Saturday, 30 April 2011, 8:58 AM