Topic Name Description
Topic 1 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Organization of Human Body
Page Cell Membrane
Page References
Topic 2 Page General Functions of the Cell
Page Specialized Cell of the Human Body
Page References
Topic 3 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Body Fluid Compartments
Page Electrolytes
Page References
Topic 4 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Water
Page Tissue Fluid Cycle
Page Physical Forces Affecting Movement of Body Fluids Across Various Compartments
Page References
Topic 5 Page Definitions
Page Cell Cycle & Mutiplcation
Page References
Topic 6 Page Phases of Meiosis
Page References
Topic 7 Page Definition
Page Epithellal Tissue & Functions
Page Connective Tissue & Functions
Page Muscular Tissue and Functions
Page Nervous Tissue and Functions
Page Summary
Page References
Topic 8 Page Glossary
Page Cutaneous System
Page Skin
Page Hair
Page Nails
Page References
Topic 9 Page Functions of Skin and Skin Glands
Page Summary
Page References
Topic 10 Page Introduction
Page Gloossary
Page Definitions
Page Composition of Bones
Page Functions of Skeletal System
Page Classification of Bones
Page References
Topic 11 Page Structure of Typical Lone Bone
Page General Structure of Bones
Page Bone Growth
Page References
Topic 12 Page Axial Skeleton
Page References
Topic 13 Page Appendicular Skeleton
Page References
Topic 14 Page Definitions
Page Joints Classification
Page Different Types of Joints
Page Types of Movements of Synovial Joints
Page Summary
Page References
Topic 15 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Classification of Muscles& Structure
Page References
Topic 16 Page Functions/Contraction of Muscle
Page Summary
Page References
Topic 17 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Digestive Tract Structure and Accessory Organs of Digestions
Page References
Topic 18 Page Dentition
Page Dentition Classification
Page Layers of the Tooth
Page References
Topic 19 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Digestion in stomach
Page References
Topic 20 Page Definitions
Page Digestion in Small Intestine
Page Emulsification and Digestion of Fats
Page Digestion of Starch
Page Digestion of Proteins
Page Action of Proteases
Page Action of Lipases
Page Digestion in Large Intestine
Page References
Topic 21 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Absorption and Assimilation
Page Metabolism of digested food ingredients
Page Excretion of Undigested Food
Page References
Topic 22 Page Functions of Liver
Page Main Functions of Pancreas
Page Summary
Page References
Topic 23 Page Interesting Features
Page Structure of Kidneys and Urinary Tract
Page References
Topic 24 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Functions of Kidneys & Urinary Tract
Page Normal and Abnormal Urine Composition
Page References
Topic 25 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Genital System
Page References
Topic 26 Page Testicular Functions
Page Functions of Male Genital Tract and Semen Ejaculation
Page References
Topic 27 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Female Genital System
Page Ovarian Function
Page References
Topic 28 Page Menstrual cycle
Page Fertilization, Implantation, Pregnancy and Parturition
Page Care of Pregnant and New Born
Page Summary
Page References
Topic 29 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Blood Composition and Function
Page References
Topic 30 Page Glossary
Page Blood Coagulation (clotting) and Dissolution of Clot (Clot Lysis)
Page References
Topic 31 Page Glossary
Page Heart Structure, Special Properties and Functions
Page Cardiac Cycle, Heart Beat and Heart Sounds
Page Electrocardiogram
Page References
Topic 32 Page Glossary
Page Blood Vessels Classification and Functions
Page Blood Pressure
Page Lymphatic System and its Functions
Page Summary
Page References
Topic 33 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Upper Respiratory Tract
Page Functions of Respiratory System
Page References
Topic 34 Page Glossary
Page Mechanism of Breathing
Page Respiratory Volumes and Capacities
Page References
Topic 35 Page Glossary
Page Gas Transport in Blood
Page Breathing pattern and its Control
Page References
Topic 36 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Introduction
Page Characteristics of a Hormone
Page Major Functions of Hormones
Page References
Topic 37 Page Hypothalamus
Page Anterior Pituitary/Adenohypophysis
Page Posterior Pituitary/ Neurohypophysis
Page References
Topic 38 Page Introduction
Page Insulin Hormone
Page Calcium Regulating Hormones
Page References
Topic 39 Page Adrenals
Page Gonadal Hormones
Page References
Topic 40 Page Introduction
Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Organization Of Nervous System
Page Typical Neuron
Page Typical Nerve Synapse
Page Myelinated Nerve Fiber
Page Unmyelinated Nerve Fiber
Page References
Topic 41 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Membrane Potentials of Nerve Cell
Page Classification of Nerve Fibers
Page Memory
Page References
Topic 42 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Brain and Spinal Cord
Page References
Topic 43 Page Glossary
Page Definitions
Page Autonomic Nervous System
Page Reflex Actions
Page References
Topic 44 Page Special Sensory Organs
Page Mechanism of Vision
Page References
Topic 45 Page Interesting Features of Nose and Tongue
Page Taste Buds
Page References
Topic 46 Page The Birth of Genetics
Page History of genetics
Page References
Topic 47 Page Human Chromosome Techniques
Page References
Topic 48 Page ABO Blood Type Alleles in Humans
Page References