4.6.1 Introduction

4.6.1 Introduction

The Innovation -Decision Process is an alternative to the earlier concept of ‘stages in the adoption process” involving the five stages viz. awareness stage, interest stage, evaluation stage, trial stage and adoption stage.

I-D process gives an idea about the sequential stages in the adoption decisions made by individuals or other units of adoption.

I-D process is the process through which an individual or other decision making unit passes from first knowledge of an innovation to a decision to adopt or reject, to implementation of the decision and to confirmation of the decision (Rogers).

This process involves a series of actions and choices over time through which an individual or organisation evaluates a new idea and decides whether or not to incorporate the new idea into the ongoing practices or activities.

Five stages are involved in the I-D process (Rogers) viz.: Knowledge stage, persuasion stage, decision stage, Implementation stage and confirmation stage (K,P,I,D,C).

Last modified: Thursday, 1 March 2012, 8:35 AM