Respiratory physiology
Mechanism of breathing
The principal of breathing in fishes is that from the unidirectional flowing water (through mouth and gill and not back), blood in the lamellae take up O2 and release CO2.
Gill ventilation
If a stationary gill removes O2 from completely still water, the immediately adjacent layers of water will soon be depleted of O2. Removal of this after by way of ventilation is done to overcome this. Such water flow in most fishes is maintained by a double pump mechanism constituted by the two functional cavities of the respiratory system: buccal cavity and opercular
The mechanism may be explained in terms of a series of pumps: a station pump drawing water into the mouth, a pressure pump in the buccal cavity, pushing water through the gills and suction pump posterly drawing water over them. As the mouth closes in the breathing rhythm, the oral valves close and prevent an outflow of water anterioly. Pressure in the buccal cavity rises and as the space is constricted, the water is found bacavity .this is the action of the pressure pump expansion of opercula. The branchiostegal membrane closes and prevents the backflow of water. In this way water is drawn from the oral into the opercula cavity. Then with the adduction of the opercula water flows out. Thus, more or less, a continues flow of water over the gills is maintained. Some fast swimming fishes like tuna ventilate their gill in a way different from the way above described pumping method. As the fish swims very fast, it keeps the mouth partly open facilitating a continuous flow of water through the mouth and gill with force. This type of ventilation is called ‘ram ventilation “or “ramjet ventilation” however when the fish swims at a lower speed, it switches over to pumping.
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Gas exchange
The highly vascularised gill lamellae provide a site for close contact between the respiratory surface and the respiratory medium (water). During the contact, O2 diffuses from water into the blood and CO2 moves in the opposite direction. The diffusion of gases (across the gill epithelium) occurs in accordance with the law of physical diffusion
Oxygen transport
Blood is the medium responsible for acquiring O2 from the respiratory medium and transporting (supplying) it to the individual cells in the body. Blood, like water is capable of physically dissolving O2
Hemoglobin is the respiratory pigment present in the fish blood and is incorporated in RBC. It has much affinity for O2. At high O2 concentration (at respiratory surface) the hemoglobin (Hb) combines with O2 to form oxyhaemoglobin (HbO2). At low O2 concentration (at the cell) O2 is given by the haemoglobin.
Hb+ O2 Hb -----> O2
Carbon-di-oxide transport
Unlike O2, CO2 is transported in different (chemical) forms by blood (HCO3-, H2CO3, CO2, KHCO3, HbNH2COOH etc.). This is because CO2, when dissolved in water (or any aqueous medium), results in different chemical species.
CO2+H2O H2CO3 <----->HCO-3+H+<------> CO-3+H+
But O2 dissolved in water has only physical binding with H2O molecules.
In summary, CO2 is carried in blood in three forms:
As H2CO3 (a small amount)
As carbamino compound (about 20% of total CO2 in blood)
As bi-carbonate of cation (K+ and Na+) (about 70%)
Last modified: Sunday, 18 September 2011, 5:13 AM