Nervous system - Introduction
The nervous system can be classified into central nervous syatem and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord. All nervous tissue other than brain and spinal cord is known as peripheral nervous system. It consists of nerves, ganglia and receptors. The nervous system is made up of two chief types of cells the nerve cells and supporting cells. The receiving of information and conduction to other part is known as impulse.
The neuron
A typical neuron has a cell body, the dendrites and the axon. The cell body contains inclusions and organelles such as mitochondria, free ribosomes, golgi bodies lysosomes, etc. Another important feature is that neuron never divides. The renal of these enzymes and complex molecules and their transport to distant location is done by the process known as axonal transport.
Last modified: Sunday, 18 September 2011, 4:54 AM