Week Name Description
Page What would you learn in this course?
File Syllabus
11 March - 17 March Page Learning outcomes
Page History of Pharmacology
The farther we look back at the past the farther we can see ahead in the future - Churchill
Page Ancient medicine
Page Pre-Christian Era
Page Mediaeval medicine
Page Revolts in medicine
Page Modern medicine
Page Scope of Pharmacology
Page Branches of Pharmacology
File Important contributors
18 March - 24 March Page Learning outcomes
Page Terms and definitions

Page Pharmacology related terms
Page Drug related terms
Page Dose related terms
25 March - 31 March Page Learning outcomes
Page Plant sources of drugs
Page Alkaloids
Page Glycosides
Page Oils
Page Tannins
Page Saponins
Page Resins
Page Gums
Page Mineral source

Page Animal source of drugs
Page Synthetic sources of drugs
Page Microbial source of drugs
1 April - 7 April Page Learning outcomes
Page Routes of administration
Page Oral administration
Page Intravenous route
Page Subcutaneous and intramuscular routes
Page Other parenteral routes
Page Local administration
8 April - 14 April Page Learning outcomes
Page Fluid mosaic model
Page Functions of membranes
15 April - 21 April Page Learning outcomes
Page Passive diffusion
Page Carrier mediated transport
Page Facilitated diffusion
Page Active transport
Page Pinocytosis and phagocytosis
Page Filtration
File Passage of drugs
File Transport processes
File Ion trapping
22 April - 28 April Page Learning outcomes
Page Absorption
Page Absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract
Page Role of ionizaton and lipid solubility in drug absorption
Page Henderson and Hasselbalch equation
Page Absorption of drugs after parenteral administration
Page Absorption of drugs after inhalation or topical administration
File Absorption
IMS content package Drug absorption - Interactive presentation


29 April - 5 May Page Learning outcomes
Page Distribution of drugs
Page Plasma protein binding of drugs
Page Plasma protein binding
File Plasma Protein Binding
Page Tissue storage of drugs
Page Barriers to drug distribution
File Blood brain barrier
6 May - 12 May Page Learning outcomes
Page Biotransformation of drugs / xenobiotics
File Biotransformation of drugs
Page Sequelae of biotransformation reactions
Page Phase-I Biotransformation - oxidation reactions and others
File Oxidation of drugs
Page Phase I reactions
Page Phase-II reactions - Synthetic reactions
File Pathways of drug elimination
Page Enzyme induction and inhibition
13 May - 19 May Page Learning outcomes

Page Renal elimination of drugs
Page Hepatic and other routes of elimination
File Process in excretion
20 May - 26 May Page Learning outcomes
Page Introduction
Page Important pharmacokinetic parameters
Page Models in pharmacokinetics
Page Drug accumulation
File Principles of drug accumulation
File Drug clearance
File Oral bioavailability of drugs
File Effect of t12 Vd Cl dose on Time vs Concentration curve
27 May - 2 June Page Learning outcomes
Page Modes of drug action
Page Enzyme mediated drug action
Page Receptor mediated drug action
Page Terms related to drug - receptor binding
File Presentation
3 June - 9 June Page Learning outcomes
Page Receptor theories
File Two State Receptor Model
Page Functions of receptors
Page Types of receptors
Page Second messenger systems
File Ion channel receptors
File G-Protein Coupled Receptors
File Kinase receptors
File Intra Cellular Receptors
10 June - 16 June Page Learning outcomes
Page Plotting a dose response curve
Page Features of dose response curve
Page Quantal dose response curve
File Dose Response Curve
File Pharmacodynamics
17 June - 23 June Page Learning outcomes
Page Factors that affect drug action
Page Factors that affect drug action (contd.)
24 June - 30 June Page Learning outcomes
Page Introduction
Page Types of adverse effects
Page Drug interactions
File Antagonism
1 July - 7 July Page Learning outcomes
Page Drug discovery
Page Drug screening
Page Preclinical safety and toxicity testing
Page Clinical trials
Page Bioprospecting
Page Assay of drugs
8 July - 14 July Page Learning outcomes
Page Biopharmaceuticals
Page Gene therapy
15 July - 21 July Page Learning outcomes
Page Sialagogues (sialics) and antisialagogues (antisialics)
Page Appetite stimulants
Page Emetics
File Emetic
Page Antiemetics
Page Prokinetics
Page Ulcer management
Page Antacids
Page Histamine H2 receptor antagonists
Page Sucralfate
Page Proton pump antagonists
Page Cytoprotective drugs
File Drugs regulating gastric acid secretion - Animation
File PODCAST - Antiulcer
File PODCAST - Sialagogues
File PODCAST - Emetics
File PODCAST - Antiemetics
22 July - 28 July Page Learning outcomes
Page Choleretics and cholagogues
Page Purgatives and Laxatives
Page Classification
Page General mechanism of action
Page Osmotic purgatives
Page Irritant purgatives
Page Bulk purgatives
Page Lubricant purgatives
Page Choice, indications, combinations, abuse of purgatives
File Mode of action of purgatives
29 July - 4 August Page Learning outcomes
Page Antidiarrhoeal drugs
Page Opioids
Page Anticholinergics
Page Protectants and adsorbents
Page Antisecretory drugs
Page Protectants
5 August - 11 August Page Learning outcomes
Page Oesophageal Groove closure
Page Ruminotorics
Page Rumen antacids
Page Rumen acidifiers
Page Antibloat agents
Page Antizymotic
12 August - 18 August Page Learning outcomes
Page Classes of drugs acting on heart
The main classes of drugs acting ont he heart are grouped as:
    • Cardiac tonics
    • Antiarrhythmics

A broad outline of these group of drugs acting on heart in relation with various ions especially calcium, and autonomic nervous system and its neurotransmitters dealt herewith now.

Page Effect of drugs acting on the heart
What are the effects produced when a drug is administered when it is targeted specifically on the heart?
Page Congestive Heart Failure
Page Cardiac glycosides
Page Chemistry of cardiac glycosides
Page Mechanism of action of cardiac glycosides
File Cardiac glycosides mechanism of action
Page Pharmacological effects of cardiac glycosides
Page Pharmacokinetics
Page Therapeutic uses of cardiac glycosides
Page Digitalization
Page Adverse reactions of cardiac glycoside
Page Precautions and drug interactions
Page Other drugs used in CHF
19 August - 25 August Page Learning outcomes
Page Types of arrhythymia
Page Arrythymia
Page Antiarrythymic drugs
Page Classification of antiarrythmic drugs
Page Actions of sodium channel blockers
Page Beta adrenergic blockers
Page Actions on potassium currents
Page Actions of calcium-channel blockers
Page Clinical uses of antiarrythymic drugs
Page Adverse effects of antiarrythymic drugs
Page Adverse extra-cardiac effects
26 August - 1 September Page Learning outcomes
Page Directly acting vasodilators
Page Indirectly acting vasodilator drugs
Page Clinical uses
Page Vasoconstrictors
Page Clinical uses of vasoconstrictors
Page Classification of antihypertensive drugs
Page Antihypertensive drugs
File Anti - hypertensive drugs - mechanism of action
2 September - 8 September Page Learning outcomes
Page Haematinics
Page Coagulants
Page Anticoagulants
Page In vitro anticoagulants
Page Systemic anticoagulants
Page Clinical uses of anticoagulants
Page Oral anticoagulants - Coumarin derivatives
Page Heparin antagonist
9 September - 15 September Page Learning outcomes
Page Expectorants
Page Inhalant expectorant
Page Ingested expectorants
Page Mucolytics

16 September - 22 September Page Learning outcomes
Page Decongestants
Page Antitussives
Page Directly acting antitussives
Page Centrally acting antitussives
23 September - 29 September Page Learning outcomes
Page Bronchodilators
Page Methylxanthines
Page Sympathomimetics
Page Parasympatholytics
Page Corticosteroids
Page Antihistaminics
Page Mast cell stabilizer
Page Respiratory stimulants
30 September - 6 October Page Learning outcomes
Page Diuretics- Introduction

Page Physiological diuresis
Page Classification of diuretics
File Renal physiology and site of action of diuretics
Page Osmotic diuretics
File Role of carbonic anhydrase in diuresis
Page Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Page Loop diuretics
Page Thiazide diuretic
Page Potassium sparing diuretic
Page Xanthines and mercurials
7 October - 13 October Page Learning outcomes
Page Alkalisation of urine
Page Acidification of urine
Page Ecbolics
Page Tocolytics
Page Fluid therapy
Page Fluid therapy (contd.)
Page Fluid therapy (contd.)
Page Choice of fluid
14 October - 20 October Page Learning outcomes
Page Administration of hormones
File Hormones classification and action
Page Corticotrophin and related peptides
Page Insulin
Page Pharmacological actions of insulin
Page Preparations of insulin
Page Oral hypoglycaemic drugs

File Oral hypoglycemic agents
Page Thyroid hormone
Page Thyroid inhibitors
Page General Principles in Corticosteroid Therapy
Page Anti inflammatory and sodium retaining potencies of Glucocorticoids
File PODCAST - Insulin and antidiabetic agents
File PODCAST - Thyroid and glucocorticoids
21 October - 27 October Page Learning outcomes
Page Hormones influencing reproductive functions
Page Anterior pituitary gonadotrophins
Page Placental gonadrotrophins
Page Oestrogens
Page Progesterones
Page Androgens
Page Anabolic steroids
Page Posterior pituitary hormones
Page Pharmacotherapeutics of fat soluble vitamins
Page Pharmacotherapeutics of water soluble vitamins
28 October - 3 November Page Learning outcomes
Page Counterirritants
Page Penetration enhancers
Page Adsorbants
Page Demulcents
Page Emollients
Page Astringents
Page Other agents used on skin
4 November - 10 November Page Learning outcomes
Page Bioenhancers
Page Immunostimulants
Page Immunosuppressants
11 November - 17 November Page Introduction
Page Common appliances used in pharmacy
Page Pillar balance
Page Counter scale balance
Page Weight box with weights
Page Ointment slab

Page Mortar and pestle
Page Spatula
Page Measure glass/Measuring cylinder
Page Bottle
Page Powder press
Page Pot
18 November - 24 November Page Introduction
Page Metric System
Page Metric system - Weights and measures
Page Common system
Page Common system - Weights and measures
Page Conversion equivalents
25 November - 1 December Page Introduction
Page Ratio and Proportion
Page Strength of preparations
Page Alligation alternate
Page Alligation medial
Page Dilution and concentration of solution
Page Calculation of dose
Page Problems to solve
2 December - 8 December Page Introduction
Page Processes of mechanical division (or) size reduction
Page Processes of separation
Page Processes in solution
Page Processes involving heating or drying
9 December - 15 December Page Pharmaceutical Preparations - I
Page Pharmaceutical preparations - II
Page Pharmaceutical preparations - III
Page Pharmaceutical preparations - IV
Page Pharmaceutical preparations - V
File Dosage forms images
16 December - 22 December Page Introduction
Page Superscription
Page Inscription
Page Subscription
Page Signature
Page Prescription writing- guidelines
Page Terms used in prescription writing
Page Types of prescription
23 December - 29 December Page Introduction
Page Physical incompatibility
Page Chemical incompatibility
Page Pharmacological incompatibility
30 December - 5 January Page Schedules framed under different rules
Page DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) Scheduled Controlled Substances
6 January - 12 January Page Custody of poisons
13 January - 19 January Page Using Pillar balance
File Video on Using Pillar balance
Page Compounding and dispensing of triple carbonate powder
File Video on Preparation of Gastric sedative powder
Page Compounding and dispensing of dry dressing powder
Page Exercise
20 January - 26 January Page Compounding and dispensing of Iodine ointment
File Video on Preparation of Iodine ointment
Page Exercise
27 January - 2 February Page Compounding and dispensing of Carminative mixture
File Video on Preparation of Carminative mixture
Page Compounding and dispensing of Alba mixture
Page Exercise
3 February - 9 February Page Compounding and dispensing of Turpentine liniment
File Video on Preparation of Turpentine liniment
Page Compounding and dispensing of BIPP

Page Exercise
10 February - 16 February Page Compounding and dispensing of Calamine lotion
File Video on Preparation of Calamine lotion
Page Exercise
17 February - 23 February Page Compounding and dispensing of Tincture of Iodine
File Video on Preparation of Tincture of Iodine
Page Exercise
24 February - 1 March Page Compounding and dispensing of Potassium permanganate solution
File Video on Potassium permanganate solution
Page Exercise
2 March - 8 March File Question bank
Page Further reading
Page Acknowledgement