Topic Name Description
Topic 1 Page Definitions
Page Good nutrition - A multidisciplinary effort
Page Nutrition balance
Page References
Topic 2 Page Introduction
Page Factors influencing food habits/intake
Page Physiological factors
Page Hunger
Page Appetite
Page Economic influences on food intake
Page Hedonic factors – food choice
Page Environmental and behavioural factors
Page Reference
Topic 3 Page Definitions
Page Classification of vegetarianism
Page Principles of planning diets
Page Points to be considered in planning a diet
Page Steps involved in planning a diet
Page Don’ts for meal planning
Page References
Topic 4 Page Introduction
Page Different food groups
Page Basic 11 food groups
Page Basic 7 food group
Page Basic 6 food group
Page Basic 5 food group
Page Basic 4 food group
Page Basic '3’ food group
Page Body building foods ( rich in protein)
Page Energy giving foods ( rich in carbohydrates and fats)
Page Protective foods ( rich in vitamins and minerals)
Page Recommended number of servings
Page Food guide for selecting an adequate diet
Page Group 1: Cereals & Breads
Page Group 2: Proteins
Page Group 3: Protective vegetables and fruits
Page Group 4: Other vegetables and fruits
Page Group 5: Oils, fats and sugars
Page References
Topic 5 Page Introduction
Page Advantages of Food Exchange List: (FEL)
Page The different food exchange lists
Page Food Exchange Lists (Value per exchange)
Page Carbohydrate exchange (containing protein)
Page Cereal exchange
Page Roots and tubers exchange
Page References
Topic 6 Page The different food exchange lists
Page Carbohydrates exchange not containing proteins
Page Protein Exchange
Page Meat, fish & egg exchange
Page Milk exchange
Page Legume exchange
Page Nuts and Oilseeds exchange
Page Fat Exchanges
Page Vegetable Exchange
Page Low carbohydrate vegetable
Page Medium Carbohydrate Vegetables
Page High Carbohydrate Vegetables
Page References
Topic 7 Page Introduction
Page Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Indians
Page Energy
Page Factors influencing energy needs
Page Energy balance
Page Negative energy balance
Page Positive energy balance
Page Deriving estimates of energy requirements
Page Guidelines for use of RDAs of Energy
Page References
Topic 8 Page RDA for Indians
Page Protein
Page Protein Balance
Page Requirements
Page Fats
Page Vitamins
Page Minerals
Page Deriving RDA
Page References
Topic 9 Page Introduction
Page Impact of mother’s nutritional status on foetus
Page Early growth- the first trimester
Page Second trimester
Page Third trimester
Page Physiological changes during pregnancy
Page References
Topic 10 Page Complications of pregnancy
Page Weight gain during pregnancy
Page Nutritional requirements during pregnancy
Page Dietary Guidelines
Page Impact of nutritional deficiency on pregnancy
Page References
Topic 11 Page Introduction
Page Role of hormones
Page Factors affecting the composition and volume of breast milk
Page Nutritional requirements
Page Dietary Guidelines
Page References
Topic 12 Page Growth and development during Infancy
Page Nutritional requirements
Page RDA for Infants
Page Food requirements
Page Breast Feeding
Page Colostrum
Page Advantages of breast feeding
Page Advantages to Mother
Page Artificial feeding
Page Circumstances under which artificial feeding is essential are
Page Feeding Problems
Page Advantages of bottle feeding
Page References
Topic 13 Page Introduction
Page Need for weaning
Page Types of supplementary foods
Page Points to be considered in introducing weaning foods
Page Problems in Weaning
Page References
Topic 14 Page Introduction
Page Nutritional requirements
Page Factors affecting nutritional status
Page Dietary guidelines
Page Nutrition related problems of preschoolers
Page Picky eaters
Page Dental problems
Page Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
Page Vitamin A Deficiency
Page References
Topic 15 Page Introduction
Page Nutritional Requirements
Page Food requirements
Page Dietary guidelines
Page Eating problems
Page Packed lunches
Page School lunch programmes
Page References
Topic 16 Page Introduction
Page Nutritional Requirements
Page Food habits
Page Dietary guidelines
Page Nutritional problems
Page Obesity
Page Eating Disorders
Page Predisposition to osteoporosis
Page Anaemia
Page Under nutrition
Page Premenstrual syndrome
Page References
Topic 17 Page Introduction
Page Process of ageing
Page Nutritional Requirements
Page Nutritional problems
Page Osteoporosis
Page Obesity
Page Neurological dysfunction
Page Anaemia
Page Malnutrition
Page Constipation and dehydration
Page Degenerative diseases
Page Dietary guidelines
Page References
Topic 18 Page Introduction
Page Factors to be consider in planning therapeutic diets
Page Types of therapeutic diets
Page Clear-fluid diet
Page Full-fluid diet
Page Soft diet
Page Regular normal diet
Page Special Feeding Methods
Page References
Topic 19 Page Definition
Page Causes
Page Types
Page Metabolic changes in fever
Page General dietary consideration
Page Tuberculosis
Page Typhoid
Page Influenza
Page Malaria
Page References
Topic 20 Page Introduction
Page Gastro intestinal diseases
Page Peptic Ulcer
Page Aetiology
Page Symptoms and Clinical Findings
Page Diagnosis
Page Treatment
Page Drugs
Page Dietary management
Page Dietary guidelines
Page References
Topic 21 Page Introduction
Page Causes of constipation
Page Classification
Page Treatment of constipation
Page Complications of constipation
Page Points to Remember
Page Reference
Topic 22 Page Introduction
Page Types of Diarrhoea
Page Physiological Changes in the body
Page Acute diarrhoea
Page Fluid management
Page Oral rehydration salt solution
Page Diarrhoea in Adults
Page References
Topic 23 Page Steatorrhoea
Page Lactose intolerance
Page Coeliac Disease
Page Tropical Sprue
Page Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Page Etiology
Page Management
Page Intestinal gas and flatulence
Page Diverticulitis
Page References
Topic 24 Page Introduction
Page Functions of Liver
Page Agents responsible for liver damage
Page Damages of liver
Page References
Topic 25 Page Introduction
Page Cause of cirrhosis
Page Symptoms
Page Complications of cirrhosis include
Page Diagnosis & Principles of diet
Page Dietary management
Page References
Topic 26 Page Introduction
Page Causes leading to heart diseases
Page Risk factors
Page Lipo proteins
Page Role of fat in the development of atherosclerosis
Page Development of Atheroma
Page Atherosclerosis causative fatty acids
Page Clinical effects
Page Congestive heart failure
Page References
Topic 27 Page Risk factors
Page Congestive Heart Failure
Page Role of Nutrients in preventing or promoting atherosclerosis
Page Dietary management
Page References
Topic 28 Page Definition
Page Causes
Page Types
Page Symptoms
Page Diet management
Page Reference
Topic 29 Page Introduction
Page Mechanism
Page Classification
Page Aetiology and comparative features of IDDM and NIDDM
Page Symptoms of Diabetes
Page Diagnosis
Page Treatment
Page References
Topic 30 Page Management of Diabetes
Page Diet
Page Glycemic index
Page Complications
Page Acute complications
Page Chronic complications
Page Dietary Guidelines
Page References
Topic 31 Page Introduction
Page Causes
Page Theories on obesity
Page Assessment
Page Metabolic changes
Page Regional distribution of adipose tissue
Page Treatment
Page Diet therapy
Page Principles of dietetic management
Page Physical exercise
Page Stress management
Page Pharmacotherapy: (BMI>30)
Page Weight loss surgery
Page Complications of obesity
Page Advantages of weight loss
Page Complications
Page Reference
Topic 32 Page Introduction
Page Limitation of underweight
Page Aetiology
Page Dietary modifications
Page Exercise and bowels
Page Reference