4.2.2 Barbus conchonius

4.2.2 Barbus conchonius

Family: Cyprinidae

Genus: Barbus

English name: Rosy Barb

Origin: North India, Bengal, Assam

Size: Maximum 14 cm in the wild: the fishes are sexually mature when they reach 6 cm

Habitat: Found in still and running waters, where it is common.

Shape, coloring and marking:

The body is fairly deep and somewhat laterally compressed. The coloring shows up best under bright lighting. The back is a beautiful shiny olive green: the rest of the body, including the belly, is mainly silvery, shiny and tinged with a soft red. During the mating season this red color predominates.  There is a round deep black mark edged with gold on the flanks below the last dorsal fin rays. The fins are a soft red and transparent: the dorsal and anal fins have a dark pigmentation on their tips.

Females are fuller in the body and have almost colorless fins.

Males are more slender and have more coloring on the fins.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:36 AM